I selected a small, unpublished module: Levenshtein::Simple. It's in the range of 530 lines of code without tests. A typical reinvent a better wheel, because Text::Levenshtein does not support arrays as input and misses an alignment method, which I needed in a simple and robust way.
Here the changes as diff:
Here the changes as diff:
49 changes, most of them explicit syntax for dereferencing.
2 barewords needed quoting: STDOUT, STDERR. But why are they there? They are not needed at all.
The nested ternary needed explicit braces. Now it's better readable.
1 LABEL not allowed as bareword. That's a bug of Guacamole. The label was a relict.
2 Invalid characters in the pod. Copy and paste of a reference. use standard; slurps the source as UTF-8 and it breaks. That's undocumented and the second bug.
In summary simple changes and IMHO better readable now. Nice development tool but not ready for production.
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